Thursday, March 4, 2010

No fortune in the fortune cookie???

I head to the Chinese restaurant when the blog idea well has gone dry; I use my latest fortune cookie as a prompt (hence, part of the origin of the blog title). This worked very well, initially, because we trained a lot more, and so could afford to eat the calorie bombs offered at the buffet. In our current state of fitness, however, this is not such a good idea.

Despite this fact, we celebrated my someday-in-the-near-future-son-in-law-to-be’s recent promotion by heading over to Wong’s Palace.
“Great,” I told myself. “Some new little white pieces of inspiration.” I might find inspiration to finally write something, after a long hiatus.
When dinner arrived, I dug my way through the starchy sweet greasy yumminess. Finally, my favorite part of the meal arrived on top of the dinner check—a whole pile of cookies, in their cellophane wrappers.

I split my cookie open. No fortune. I checked the plastic wrapper, the dinner check, the floor, Allen’s fortune cookie (in case he got two fortunes, somehow). No fortune.

This is a very weird thing.

Having no fortune in your fortune cookie cannot be good. It’s not like you’re going to have bad luck--- it’s like you’re going to have NO luck. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

The Universe, apparently, has not deemed you important enough even to send you some dire warning in your fortune cookie, telling you to be careful with a business deal, or that you have “challenges” ahead. As far as the Universe goes, you do not exist.

In reality, I am not much of a believer in fortune, or omens, or any of those shady superstitious things.

(Most of the time. I do have this weird superstition about throwing out old photos—I am afraid that something bad is going to happen to the subject of the photograph if it goes in the garbage- though this wouldn’t be such a bad fate for some of the subjects in my photos)

However, if I suspend my disbelief for a little while, and believe in the power of fortune cookie fortunes for a few minutes…. Just what exactly do you do when you have no fortune in your fortune cookie?

You are now invisible to the Universe. Since the Universe can’t see you, you can chart your own course through it. Your destiny is no longer bound to a little piece of paper.

What do you do when there’s no fortune in your fortune cookie?

You celebrate your freedom. You live your life to the fullest, not concerned with the consequences of Fate. You find your own meaning and purpose in life. You create your own destiny.

Or you realize that you don’t really believe in fortune cookies, and that you’ve gotten carried away with the Universe and Fate and Destiny—

And you remember that you think that fortune cookies taste great. And you pop yours in your mouth on the way to pay the check.

(P.S. But you also realize that you’ve one-upped the Universe, because you were able to write an entire post about not having a prompt for a new blog post. Ha!)

1 comment:

  1. How insightful indeed. Exciting to think one can "change their stars" by simply not receiving a fortune. This is what movies are made about! Good luck in your new life. I hope IM still a part of it. Choco aka Allen your friend.


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